Searching for Events

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Searching for Events

Log Viewer offers search and filter functions, which makes it easy to search for specific events inside a file. To use this option, click the Actions - Find Actions - Find menu or click Find Find on the toolbar to open the window on the next figure.

Window to find messages

Window to find messages

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Find window



Find what (ALT + N)

Message to search for

Match whole word only (ALT + W)

Searches for a value as a word or as a whole phrase, and not as part of other messages

Match case (ALT + C)

Differentiates between upper and lower case


Searches for the next occurrence up or down the currently selected example

Find Next (ALT + F)

Searches for the next occurrence of the currently selected value


Cancels this operation


After searching the whole file, according to the selected direction, the search is then finished.

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