Print Report

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Print Report

Allows printing a Report to a printer or display it on a Screen.

Settings for the Print Report Pick

Settings for the Print Report Pick

Available options for Print Report Pick



Print report

Allows selecting a Report to print


Determines a Report's output type. Possible values are Printer: Sends this Report to a printer, which corresponds to the Print method, or Screen: Performs a printing preview of this Report on screen, which corresponds to the PrintPreview method

Specify window position

Determines the position of the printing preview, in pixels, starting from the upper left corner of the window. If these values are not defined, the printing preview is displayed at position (0, 0)

Specify window size

Specifies the size of the printing preview on the window, in pixels or Himetric. If these values are not defined, the printing preview is created with 500 by 500 pixels and the window is opened maximized. If only one of these dimensions is defined, width or height, the other dimension is configured with 500 pixels and the window is not opened maximized

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