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A Report is an ActiveX component called ActiveReport, which allows viewing and printing snapshots of values from system variables and data stored on a database, such as Alarms, Historic objects, Queries, and Formulas. To use a Report, right-click the View - Reports item in Organizer, in Domain mode, select the Insert Report in option, and then the project's name.

A Report also uses a Query object. This object allows specifying a data source from a database to display in a Report.

A Report contains several Sections. Each Report Section contains a group of controls that are processed and printed at the same time, as a unit.

Report Sections

Report Sections

A Report is structured as described on the next table.

Report structure



Report Header

This Section prints at the beginning of a Report. It is used for printing Report headings, sum tables, charts, or any other information that must appear only at the beginning of a Report

Report Footer

This Section prints at the end of a Report. It is used for printing a Report sum, grand totals, or any other information that must be printed once at the end of a Report

Page Header

This Section prints on top of every page of a Report. This is the first Section printed on a page, except when this page contains a Report Header Section. It is used for printing column headings, page numbers, page titles, or any other information that must be printed at the beginning of every page

Page Footer

This Section prints once at the bottom of every page of a Report. It is used for printing page totals, page numbers, or any other information that must be printed once at the bottom of every page


This Section is the body of a Report, which prints once for every record on a data source

Group Header, Group Footer

A Report may have multiple nested groups. Each group contains a Header Section and a Footer Section. A Header Section is printed right before any Detail Section in this group. A Footer Section is printed right after a Detail Section in this group


The toolbar of a Report contains configuration items that allow editing, viewing a Report, and creating scripts. These items are described on the next table.

Configuration options on the toolbar of a Report



Preview Report Preview Report

By using this option, users can preview an output of a Report. With it, they can check margin settings and images, for example

Configure Report Configure Report

With this option, users can configure Page Settings, Preview Settings, Grid Settings, and Report Style

Scripts Editor Scripts Editor

By using this option, users can edit scripts for a Report. In the Object field, users must specify the object to create the script, and in the Events field, the Report event where action occurs

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