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1.To organize Tags, select the Driver and insert a folder named "Digital".

Add New Folder option

Add New Folder option

2.The first Digital Tag is a status information, open or closed, of Pump 1. Create an I/O Tag named "Status_P1" on Digital folder.

3.Configure its N parameters according to the following information:

N1: 1 (PLC address)

N2: 8 (Operation code, or Coil)

N3: 0 (Additional parameter)

N4: 1 (Register address)

4.Right-click the Driver object and select the Activate Communication item to test these settings, or click Activate or Deactivate Communication Activate or Deactivate Communication. In case these settings are correct, this Tag's row must be displayed in blue.

5.Add, on Digital folder, the following Tags:

Address 2: Status_P2

Address 3: Status_P3

Address 4: Status_P4

Address 5: Status_P5

Address 6: Status_P6

6.After creating these Tags, test Driver's communication.

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