Web Files

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Web Files

After installing IIS, all files from folder c:\program files\elipse e3\web must be copied to c:\inetpub\wwwroot. This folder is created during IIS installation. In addition to these files, the installer of WebViewer, e3webviewer-x86-enu.exe, must also be copied to that same folder. This file can be downloaded on Elipse Software's site. A very important aspect is that the version of these installers must be the exact same version of the E3 Server.

Any user, as long as properly authorized by company's security and access policies, can view and control an E3 application on the Internet using Internet Explorer. Some basic requirements are needed:

A computer with Windows 10 or later

Internet Explorer 8.0 or later

Internet access


The server checks whether the client has a WebViewer installed and updated. If there is none, WebViewer's package is sent for installation on the client.

Security warning

Security warning

When a user confirms that security warning, the plug-in is installed. This component is signed by Elipse Software, and users must accept its installation to start all configurations needed.

In the next access, users do not need to install the components again, and the connection time is faster.

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