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The Alarms stored on the Alarm table are viewed in an E3Browser. To separate the types of information, that is, Alarm's in time, out time, and acknowledgment time, let's change the text color of the row.

1.Insert a new Screen, named "AlarmScreen", with the size of 500 by 500 pixels.

2.Insert an E3Browser on this Screen.

3.Configure the E3Browser to display the Alarms table. Select the ConditionActive, InTime, OutTime, and AckTime Fields and any other desired Field.

4.To color the E3Browser simulating an E3Alarm, on the OnDrawRow event insert the next script.

ConditionActive = GetColumnValue(0)
InTime = GetColumnValue(1)
OutTime = GetColumnValue(2)
AckTime = GetColumnValue(3)
'Active alarm
If ConditionActive = 1 Then
  'Entering the alarm or acknowledgment
  If AckTime = "00:00:00" Then 'Entering
    RowTextColor = vbRed
  Else 'Acknowledgment
    RowTextColor = vbBlue
  End If
  'Leaving the alarm or acknowledgment
  If AckTime = "00:00:00" Then 'Leaving
    RowTextColor = vbMagenta
  Else 'Acknowledgment
    RowTextColor = vbBlack
  End If
End If


5.Insert on the InitialScreen a Command Button to open the AlarmScreen.

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