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Administrators now have all permissions enabled and this cannot be changed.

The User Administration window of E3 Viewer can now be opened by all users having a Configure users/groups permission enabled.

Removing the last administrator of a Domain or turning them into non-administrators is not possible anymore. Administrators are not blocked from executing a login due to a disabled or blocked account and they can always change their password when expired. If there is no administrator configured in a Domain, when trying to edit users, an administrator must be created first.

Non-administrator users cannot edit administrators or promote other users or themselves to administrator.

Changed the interface of the User Permissions window of E3 Studio and the Users Administration window of E3 Viewer. Now users can also configure groups in E3 Viewer.

The text of security properties now always show the value used. If this value is inherited from a group to which the user belongs, or from the Domain configuration, the text "(inherited)" is displayed near the value. If the property's default value is used, the text "(by default)" is displayed near the value.

Added the Security node to the ?Server object. This node contains a collection of groups, Groups, and a collection of users, Users. Users have the properties Name, FullName, IsAdministrator, Password, and Type. Groups have the properties Name and Type. Both have the methods AddToGroup and RemoveFromGroup.

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