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Standardized borders of controls of type ListControl and TreeControl on dialog boxes.

Improved support for using a keyboard on E3 Studio grids.

Added shortcut keys F4 and SHIFT + F4 to open lists on the Properties List and ALT + . (period) for icon_ellipsis options of fields in general.

Implemented standard navigation by shortcut keys ENTER or SHIFT + ENTER and TAB or SHIFT + TAB on E3 grids.

The Rename option now works more consistently when selecting multiple objects.

Contextual menus in E3 Studio were revised to present a more consistent behavior.

Changed the term Viewer Full by Viewer Control on the Group of Viewers tab on the Domain's options window of E3 Admin.

Changed the use of the expressions "license" or "license of use" on E3 documentation for the expressions "key" or "product key", respectively.

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