I/O Drivers

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I/O Drivers

What do I have to do to use bits of an I/O Tag?

To use bits of an I/O Tag, users must enable I/O Tag's UseBitFields property.


How is the counting process of Block Tags and bits of Tags in E3?

The counting process considers I/O Tags and the size of Block Tags. Bits are not part of this counting process.


What is the easiest way to perform a blink in the color of a Screen object when there is an I/O error?

Create a Digital Link between this object's ForegroundColor property and the expression TagName.Quality < 192, with its blink option enabled. The Quality property represents the status of Tag's value quality, in OPC standard, and it may vary from 0 (zero) to 255, and that quality is good only above 192.


How can I display I/O errors on Screen?

By enabling Viewer's View communication errors option, on the Communication Errors tab.


How can I change the default color of I/O errors in SetPoints and Displays?

Go to Viewer's properties window and change that color on the Communication Errors tab.

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