Properties Tab

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Properties Tab

Allows controlling various Domain configurations. To open this item, right-click the E3 Admin icon on Windows Notification Area, select the Domain - Options Domain - Options option to open the window on the next figure, and then click the Properties tab.

Properties tab

Properties tab

The Alarms group contains the Save alarm summary option, which allows saving the alarm summary and therefore avoiding duplicated alarm notifications when opening or closing a Domain. By default this option is disabled. To enable it, select the Enabled option on the Enable item and specify a time interval, in minutes, in the Time interval option. The default time interval of this option is 1 (one) minute. These saved alarms are loaded whenever a Domain is opened and saved in the interval specified in the Time interval option or whenever a Domain is closed. Saving alarms is not performed when stopping or executing a Domain, because the alarm summary is kept in memory.



In case of servers in Hot-Standby mode, both servers save the alarms.

Only alarms visible in the summary are saved.

When disabling this option, the previously saved alarms are deleted, to prevent outdated information when enabling this option again.


The General group contains the Domain name option, which allows configuring a friendly name for a Domain. If this option is left blank, the Domain name then corresponds to the name of the Domain file without its .dom extension. This name is available via script at run time by using the Domain property of the Domain Information object, such as "Application.GetObject('[?Server].Domain').Domain".

The IOServer Processes Pool group contains the options described on the next table.

Available options on the IOServer Processes Pool group



Pool enabled

Enables or disables I/O Server's process pool. NOTE: Make sure that all Drivers in use in an application support this process pool feature, that is, Drivers must be compiled with IOKit version 2.0.6 or later. Drivers that do not support this feature must be configured with their DisableIOServerPool property in True. Default value for this option is False

Drivers per process

Defines the maximum number of Drivers that execute on each I/O Server process. NOTE: This limit can be exceeded if the number of processes in this pool reaches the maximum configured in the Maximum number of processes option. Default value for this option is 0 (zero)

Maximum number of processes

Defines the maximum number of I/O Server processes created by this pool. The value 0 (zero, default) in this option allows an unlimited number of processes


This configuration can be changed while a Domain is executing, but it only affects Drivers started after that change, or on the following situations where the Domain is updated:

By clicking Saves and Runs the Domain Saves and Runs the Domain in E3 Studio

By selecting the Domain - Refresh option on E3 Admin menu on Windows Notification Area

By generating an event forcing E3Run to receive the Domain configuration



For more information, please check topic Pool of I/O Server Processes on chapter Drivers.


The Asynchronous Operation Grouping group contains the options described on the next table.

Available options on the Asynchronous Operation Grouping group



Maximum number of operations per group

Defines the maximum number of operations per I/O Driver stored on E3Run 's memory before sending them to an I/O Server

Maximum wait time (milliseconds)

Defines the maximum time an asynchronous operation can wait in E3Run before it is sent to an I/O Server


The Security group contains the options described on the next table.

Available options on the Security group



Disallow password change

Prevents users from changing their password at run time

Allow changing expired password

Allows a user to immediately change their expired password

Alphanumeric password

Determines that a password must contain letters and numbers

Uppercase and lowercase characters

Determines that a password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters

Ignore case in passwords

Indicates that password validation is performed without considering uppercase and lowercase letters. Enabling this option is not recommended

Username and password must differ

Determines that a user's name and password must not be the same. This option does not differentiate uppercase and lowercase letters

Minimum password length

Indicates whether a password must contain a minimum character length. If this option is enabled, configure in the Minimum characters item a minimum number of characters for a password

Password expiration

Indicates whether a user's password has an expiration time. Before reaching this time, a dialog box is displayed informing how many days are left for expiration and offering a possibility of changing that password. After that period of time, the password expires and must be changed. Defining this value as 0 (zero) allows this user's password to expire at the end of the current day. NOTE: If this option is enabled, configure in the Days to expire item a time period for this password to expire and, if the configured value is equal to 0 (zero), it is advisable to disable the Minimum password age option

Minimum password age

Indicates whether there is a minimum time in days for using a user's password before changing it. The value of the Minimum age in days item must be between 1 (one) and 730. Defining this value as 0 (zero) allows a user to change their password immediately. NOTE: If the Password expiration option is configured, the value of this option cannot exceed the value configured in the Days to expire item

Minimum numeric characters in password

Indicates whether a password must have a minimum number of numeric characters. If this option is enabled, configure in the Minimum numeric characters item a minimum number of numeric characters for a password

Minimum letters in password

Indicates whether a password must have a minimum number of letters. If this option is enabled, configure in the Minimum letters item a minimum number of letters for a password

Minimum special characters in password

Indicates whether a password must have a minimum number of special characters. If this option is enabled, configure in the Minimum special characters item a minimum number of special characters for a password

Password history

Indicates whether the last passwords of a user are stored and cannot be used. If this option is enabled, configure in the Number of passwords item how many passwords must be stored. After reaching the value indicated in this item, the oldest password is discarded and can be used again

Automatic user blocking

Determines the maximum number of failed login attempts to block an account. If this option is enabled, configure in the Login attempts item the maximum number of attempts

Automatic user account unblocking

Unblocks an account after a certain number of minutes. If this option is enabled, configure in the Time for unblocking in minutes item a time to unblock an account

Password expiration warning

Determines a date to start sending daily messages about the expiration date of a password. After that date, if the password is not changed, users are blocked and only an administrator can unblock them. If this option is enabled, configure in the Period before expiration in days item a date to start sending messages


Password Blocking

A user's account can be blocked under the following conditions:

If a password expires (this expiration time can be a global, a group, or a user attribute)

If users type a wrong password a certain number of times in a row, that is, login failures


Once blocked, an account does not allow login operations. This condition remains until and administrator unblocks its password manually, or else its blocking time-out expires.



The options on the Security group do not apply to Windows users, only to users of an E3 Domain.


The Viewer group contains the options described on the next table.

Available options on the Viewer group



Compact libraries

Enables or disables compressing ElipseX library files for sending to an E3 Viewer. The default value of this option is enabled, that is, the file is defragmented and the objects not used by the E3 Viewer are removed, thus decreasing the file size. If this option is disabled, the library files are sent without changes

Server Balloons

Enables or disables displaying a window with E3 Server's active warnings on E3 Viewer, such as license problems. This window can be closed or minimized, but it is opened periodically while there are active warnings

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