Other Implementations

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Other Implementations

Reduced the basic memory usage of native E3 objects, meaning a general reduction of 5% of RAM memory used by E3Run at run time.

The default E3 grid control (EcoListCtrl) was prepared for better supporting of cut, copy, and paste operations of the configuration editor of Elipse Power objects.

The elements of lists in the WatchWindow and DomainBrowser windows now are displayed in alphabetical order.

Implemented a statistical log for REC connections and an individual statistical log of processes. Logs may have their frequency controlled by Windows Registry and may be completely shut down (frequency 0).

SmartHeap (memory management library used by E3) has been updated from version 8 to version 9.01.

Created an E3GetActor method in the Application Server object. This method returns the logon of the user who commanded the current E3Run operation. If E3Run is not currently handling an operation generated by another process, then returns "System". If there is no user logged on in the process which generated the current operation, then returns "Anonymous".

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