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DoModal(Screen, Title, Left, Top, Width, Height, Arg, [Flags])

Opens a modal Screen, which is a window that do not allow clicking other Screens or windows while it is not closed. The Title parameter passed in this method is only used if the Caption property is empty. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored. This method contains the following parameters:

Screen: Determines a Screen's name

Title: Determines a title for this modal window

Left, Top: XY position of this modal window, in pixels

Width: Width of this modal window, in pixels or Himetric

Height: Height of this modal window in pixels or Himetric

Arg: Determines a variable to use on Screen's OnPreShow event

Flags: Determines a combination used on this modal window. Such combination is performed by summing values of the next table that corresponds to user options. When the specified value is equal to -1 (minus one, used when this parameter is omitted), Viewer configurations are set to this modal window. When this value is different from -1 (minus one), users can use all combinations described on the next table

Possible combinations for Flags parameter




Enables a title bar on this window


Enables a Close button on this window


Enables a Minimize button on this window


Enables a Maximize button on this window


Enables a window border


Specifies that this window can be resized


Specifies that this window can be moved


Specifies that this window stays on top of a Screen


Specifies that this window is configured with a Tool Bar style


Disables object buttons


Centers this modal Screen on a Frame horizontally, as well as vertically



Sub Button1_Click()
  ' When clicking the Button1 opens another modal Screen
  Application.DoModal "Screen1", "Title", 0, 0, 400, 200, 0, 3
End Sub



Size values on this method can be informed as numbers or Strings. In case of numbers, they are interpreted as pixels. In case of Strings, if followed by an "hm" unit, they are interpreted as Himetric. Any other case is considered as pixels.

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