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MoveFrame([PosX], [PosY], [SizeX], [SizeY])

Moves and resizes a Frame to a specific coordinate and size. The PosX and PosY parameters inform a new position, in pixels, relative to the left and top, respectively. The SizeX and SizeY parameters inform a new size and height,respectively, in pixels or Himetric. All parameters are optional and, if omitted, do not move (in case of PosX and PosY parameters) nor resize (in case of SizeX and SizeY parameters) the Frame. Example:

Sub Screen2_OnPreShow(vArg)
  ' When Screen2 is opened on Test frame,
  ' changes Frame's
  ' position and size
  Application.GetFrame("Test").MoveFrame 100, 100, 200, 200
End Sub



Size values for this method can be informed as numbers or as Strings. In case of numbers, they are considered as pixels. In case of Strings, if they are followed by an "hm" unit, they are interpreted as Himetric. Any other case is considered as pixels.

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