Via E3

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Via E3

E3 Viewer can be executed using the Default toolbar, using the following options:

Saves and runs the Domain Saves and Runs the Domain: Saves all project configurations, executes a Domain, and then executes an E3 Viewer

Runs/Stops Domain Run/Stops Domain: Executes or stops Domain execution

Runs/Stops E3 Viewer Runs/Stops E3 Viewer: Executes an E3 Viewer, or stops its execution in case it is already open


When an E3 Viewer is executed, the window on the next figure is displayed, indicating a connection status.

E3 Viewer connection status

E3 Viewer connection status

Whenever loosing a server connection, E3 then tries to reconnect automatically, according to server's configurations. To determine which server performs a connection in case of an E3 Viewer failure, it is necessary to configure the Servers option, configured via E3 Admin, as explained in chapter Domains.

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