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UserAdministration([PosX], [PosY], [ShowMergeErrorsOnExit], [MergeDetails])

This method opens a dialog box that allows editing a list of Server's users. The available functions are the following:

Displaying a list of all users

Deleting users (the current user cannot be deleted)

Adding and editing users

Editing settings of a user

Changing a user's password

Changing other user's data, such as login name and full name


This method contains the following parameters:

PosX: Optional parameter indicating the position, in pixels, of the dialog box relative to the left margin of the window

PosY: Optional parameter indicating the position, in pixels, of the dialog box relative to the top margin of the window

ShowMergeErrorsOnExit: Optional Boolean parameter indicating whether a window with errors occurred during the execution of this method must be displayed. If this parameter is omitted, no window is displayed at the end of the execution

MergeDetails: Optional output parameter containing a String with errors occurred during the execution of this method


If the PosX and PosY parameters are omitted, that dialog box's coordinate is centered on the window. If the values indicated in these parameters place that dialog box outside the visible area, those values are automatically adjusted to ensure that this dialog box is visible.

This method returns True if there were no problems during its execution and False otherwise. The next code contains a usage example of this method.

Sub CommandButton_Click()
  'Variables receiving the result
  'and execution errors
  Dim method_result, execution_error
  method_result = Application.UserAdministration( , , False, execution_error)
  If Not method_result Then
    MsgBox "Errors during user edition: " & execution_error
  End If
End Sub



Only administrators and users with the Configure user/groups permission enabled, available on the Domain item of the Permissions tab on the window to edit users, have access to the dialog box opened by this method.

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