<< Click to Display Table of Contents >>
InsertRow |
Inserts a new Row on the table. The InsertAtRow parameter is optional and specifies at which table position the Row must be inserted. When omitted, it assumes the standard behavior of inserting a Row at the end of the table, which is the same as using InsertAtRow equal to -1 (minus one). When it is informed and different from -1 (minus one), it must be a value between 1 (one) and Count, and the new Row moves the other Rows with an index greater or equal to it towards ascending indexes. A new Row always assumes the following standard values for its properties:
•Min: 0.0
•Max: 1.0
•Blink: False
•BlinkValue: 0.0
•Value: 0.0
The next script contains an example of using this method.
Sub Rectangle1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Bind
Set Bind = Screen.Item("Rectangle1").Links.Item("ForegroundColor")
If Bind Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Rectangle1 has no links."
Dim row
row = Screen.Item("SetPointRow").Value
MsgBox Bind.RowCount
If (row < 1 Or row > Bind.RowCount) Then
MsgBox "Invalid row number: " & row
MsgBox "Adding a row at: " & row
If row = -1 Then
row = Bind.RowCount
Bind.Value(line) = Screen.Item("RectangleValue").ForegroundColor
Bind.BlinkValue(line) = Screen.Item("RectangleBlinkValue").ForegroundColor
Bind.Max(line) = Screen.Item("SetPointMax").Value
Bind.Min(line) = Screen.Item("SetPointMin").Value
Bind.Blink(line) = Screen.Item("CheckBoxBlink").Value
End If
End If
End If
End Sub