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Enum Controls the alignment of a Screen relative to the visible area. Possible values for this property are the following:

0 - paDefault: Adjusts the Screen to follow the value configured in Viewer's ScreenAlignment property. It corresponds to the Use Default option of a Screen's Alignment (This Screen) contextual menu, at run time

1 - paTopLeft: Adjusts the Screen to the top left corner relative to the visible area. It corresponds to the Force Top/Left option of a Screen's Alignment (This Screen) contextual menu, at run time

2 - paCenter: Adjusts the Screen to the center relative to the visible area. It corresponds to the Force Center option of a Screen's Alignment (This Screen) contextual menu, at run time


The next figure shows the contextual menu of a Screen at run time, with the respective configuration options of this property.

Options of a Screen's ScreenAlignment property

Options of a Screen's ScreenAlignment property

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