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Enum Indicates the position of the selected picture on a Screen's PictureFile property. This property is only valid if the FillStyle property is set to 12 - Picture. Valid options for this property are described on the next table.

Available options for PicturePosition



0 - Center

Picture with original size, centered on Screen (default)

1 - Tile

Picture with original size, repeated as many times as needed to fill a Screen

2 - Stretch

Picture resized to fill a Screen

3 - TopLeft

Picture with original size, on the left upper corner of a Screen

4 - BottomLeft

Picture with original size, on the left lower corner of a Screen

5 - BottomRight

Picture with original size, on the right lower corner of a Screen

6 - TopRight

Picture with original size, on the right upper corner of a Screen

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