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Enum This property specifies an object's appearance. This property cannot be changed while this object is active. Possible values for this property are described on the next table.

Available options for the SpecialEffect property



0 - fmSpecialEffectFlat

Object appears flat and has a raised border, a color change, or both

1 - fmSpecialEffectRaised

Object is raised on its upper left side and a shadow on its lower right side, as a relief (default)

2 - fmSpecialEffectSunken

Object has a shadow on its upper left side and raised on its lower right side. This object and its border appear sunken on a Screen

3 - fmSpecialEffectEtched

Border looks etched around object edges

6 - fmSpecialEffectBump

Object has a ledge on its lower right side and looks flat on its upper left side

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