How to Create Reports Printing Only Value Average at Every 5 Minutes

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How to Create Reports Printing Only Value Average at Every 5 Minutes

To do so, users must create a new group in a Report. This group contains a Header and a Footer Section. The general layout is the following:

PageHeader: Contains the title of columns

GroupHeader: Remains empty, but its DataField property is equal to "CLng(E3TimeStamp*288)", because the E3TimeStamp field is the date and time of data in Gregorian format, days since 1/1/1900, in which the integer part is the number of days and the fractional part is hours and minutes. Multiplying by 288 corresponds to a total of five minutes since 1/1/1900. The CLng function converts a 32-bit integer and deletes its fractional part, so that intermediate minutes and seconds are not displayed. This group is then printed each time this number changes, that is, every five minutes. Check the NewColumn and NewPage properties, which must be set to 0: ddNPNone

Detail: Contains SetPoints for table fields. Its Visible property must be set to False, so that each data acquisition that composes a five-minutes average is calculated, although not printed

GroupFooter: Contains the following fields, representing the average of SetPoints:

DataField: Names of table fields, such as in the Detail Section

SummaryFunc: 1 - ddSFAvg

SummaryRunning: 1 - ddSRGroup

SummaryType: 1 - ddSGrandTotal


The only exception is for the Date/Time field, which is a standard SetPoint with its DataField property set to "=CLng(E3TimeStamp*288)/288".

ReportFooter: Empty or any other value


If this Query is between 00:00 of one day and another one, its result is composed by 288 printed rows with an average of fields at every five minutes.

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