Legend Status Column

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Legend Status Column

The Legend Status column displays the current status of each Pen. The content of that message is formed by an error information, if available, and information about the current status of a Pen, such as the number of points. The next two tables show all possible error and information messages for Realtime- and Historic-type Pens. If a Pen's type is Historic and Realtime, then the final message is a combination of real time and historical parts. In case there are error messages, the column's row is displayed in red while that error persists.

Status messages for the real time part



Error: Real time data disconnected
(YLink = 'Tag Name') (XLink = 'Tag Name')

There is no connection from Pen's real time part. Check Tag names in Pen's YLink and XLink properties

Info: Real time n pts

Displays the total number of points on the real time part


Status messages for the historical part



Info: Query Name waiting

Waiting for query initialization. This means that some query's change or update request was detected

Info: Query Name initializing

This query is starting. At this time there is a validation of Pen fields

Error: Query Name: Initialization fail

Before loading query data, an E3Chart must have information about which fields are available on its query, to perform a link between these fields and the XField and YField properties. Thus, a failure occurred when retrieving these fields, which might be a network or SQL syntax error

Error: Field not found (XField = 'Field Name')

The field informed in the XField property was not found on this query. Check if this field is selected on query's edition screen or on the SQL code

Error: Field not found (YField = 'Field Name')

The field informed in the YField property was not found on the query. Check if this field is selected on query's edition screen or on the SQL code

Error: 'Query Name' 'Error Message'

Indicates that there is an error on this query, and data cannot be retrieved. Possible messages displayed in Error Message are described on the next table

Info: n pts

Displays the total number of points on the historical part

Info: loading

Indicates that query data is still loading from a server

Error: Invalid query (QueryName = 'Query Name')

The query indicated by Pen's QueryName property was not found by this E3Chart


Specific messages for query failures



Failed when adding data

Cannot load data into memory

Failure when creating query

Cannot create a query

Error when executing query

Cannot execute a query

Failure when retrieving data from server

Cannot retrieve query results from a server

Failure when retrieving number of records from server

Cannot retrieve query's total number of existing records from a server

Failure when positioning cursor at the beginning

Cannot move cursor to the first query record

Cursor is busy

Query records are not available for retrieval from a server

Failure when retrieving data from server

Cannot retrieve query records from a server

Unknown error

There was an unexpected error when retrieving query data from a server

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