[N] Parameters

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[N] Parameters

PLC Tags are used to save the values received on an OnTagWrite event to a file in CSV format. The PLC Tags of this Driver do not accept reading operations.

Configuration of a PLC Tag




Name of a Tag


0 (zero, PLC Tag identifier)


Possible values are 0 (zero, saves to a file in CSV format only when there is an OnTagWrite event) or 1 (one, repeats in the file in CSV format the last Tag's OnTagWrite event, according to the interval defined in the Repeat last value every (ms) option)


Not used


Not used


The name of the file in CSV format corresponds to the name of the Tag, defined in the Item parameter. This file has the format described next.

[Date and time];[Tag quality];[Tag value]


The next code contains an example of a file.

29-09-2023 18:28:59.000;192;75
29-09-2023 18:29:00.000;192;75
29-09-2023 18:29:01.000;192;75
29-09-2023 18:29:02.000;192;75
29-09-2023 18:29:03.000;192;76
29-09-2023 18:29:04.000;192;76

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