[B] Parameters

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[B] Parameters

This Driver allows using a Block Tag for reading events. This Block Tag must have all [B] parameters set to 0 (zero) and a size of 169 Elements.



0 (zero)


0 (zero)


0 (zero)


0 (zero)




This Block Tag must be configured with writing disabled. Block Tags return events on a list, therefore they can return 0 (zero) or more events. To handle these events correctly, users must use a Block Tag's OnRead event, which is called for each event sent by a panel. In this event's script, the Block Tag Elements can be accessed to determine the type of event generated, according to the next table.

Types of events



0 (zero)

1 (one) for a new event or 0 (zero) for event cleared

1 (one)

An Integer with the event number, between 1 (one) and 99 or between 160 and 172, or between 176 and 183

2 (two)

An Integer with the panel or node number, between 0 (zero) and 999

3 (three)

An Integer with the loop number, between 0 (zero) and 99

4 (four)

An Integer with the address, between 0 (zero) and 999

5 (five)

An Integer with the zone number, between 0 (zero) and 9999

6 (six)

A String with the text sent in a message

7 (seven)

A String with an explanatory text about an event

8 (eight)

0 (zero) if there is no extra data or 1 (one) if there is extra data, on Elements between 9 (nine) and 169

9 (nine)

An Integer) with the ASCII code of extra data's first byte


An Integer with the ASCII code of extra data's second byte


An Integer with the ASCII code of extra data's third byte




An Integer with the ASCII code of extra data's one hundred sixtieth byte

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