Driver Configuration

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Driver Configuration

Communication in Ethernet mode (Hx-ECOM module)

To communicate with a PLC via an Hx-ECOM module, open this Driver’s properties window and enable the Use Hx-ECOM Ethernet module option.


UDP/IP Broadcast Mode

To communicate in Broadcast mode, specify the module's MAC Address. Then, configure this Driver to communicate in Ethernet UDP/IP mode via broadcast IP address and TCP/IP port 28784.


UDP/IP Addressing Mode

Users can also communicate via other IP addresses by previously configuring the module via NetEdit3.

With the router function of the Ethernet module, the computer must be configured with a valid IP address for the module's network gateway, allowing to recognize the computer for direct connection with other PLCs on the network. On this Driver's properties window, specify the IP address of the destination PLC on the Ethernet tab and select the UDP/IP mode via TCP/IP port 28784.


Communication in RS232 Serial Mode

To communicate with a PLC via serial RS232, configure the parameters on the Serial tab of this Driver's properties window.

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