Physical Adapters

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Physical Adapters

The expected behavior of the PRP option is based on two physical network adapters, one connected to the network A and the other to the network B. Anyway it is possible for the service to start and work temporarily with a single network, since it has been correctly configured at least once.

The configuration of these two real adapters shall respect 2 rules:

1 - They can´t have an IP Address enabled, as well as other network protocols.

2 - Shall have the same MAC Address.

To perform this configuration, go to Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network Connections, where all adapters are shown. Select the properties of the Ethernet Adapter that will receive network A and disable all network protocols, including TCP/IP, leaving enabled only the sniffer library NPCAP. Click at OK.




After that, open again the adapter properties and click at the Configure button. Select the tab Advanced, and at the option "Network Address" define the desired MAC Address, at the 12 hex digits format.





Repeat the procedure for the network B adapter.


NOTE: Since both adapters shall have the same MAC, this can be obtained defining the MAC Address of the first adapter at the second or vice-versa, or even defining a new MAC for both.


In order to know the actual MAC Address of your network adapter, open a new command session (cmd.exe) and type the command "ipconfig /all".