IEC61850 General Tab

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IEC61850 General Tab

Allows defining all other behaviors of this Driver.

IEC61850 General tab

IEC61850 General tab

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options on the IEC61850 General tab



Transport Layer

In this version, the transport layer is fixed with the value MMS (IEC 61850-8-1). In later versions, the XMPP (IEC 61850-8-2) options is also available

App Category

To send commands, this Driver uses information from this option to fill the OrCat (Origin Category) property, which specifies the type of application sending a command, for security reasons or for solving conflicts of commands. The available options are Bay, Station, Remote, or Maintenance

Msg Timeout (ms)

Time to wait for a response of a command or a full message, which can be formed by several intermediate messages. The time to wait for each byte or intermediate message is defined on the Setup tab. For more information, please check topic Documentation of I/O Interfaces

Status Check (ms)

Time interval to send status messages, which must be answered by an IED. If there is no response, connection health can be checked, forcing an IED's disconnection and reconnection. The value of this option must be greater than the value of the Msg Timeout (ms) option and less than the disconnection interval configured on the Setup tab. For more information, please check topic Documentation of I/O Interfaces

Local P Selector

Selection value for this Driver, used by the OSI presentation layer (ISO/IEC 8823)

Local S Selector

Selection value for this Driver, used by the OSI session layer (ISO/IEC 8327)

Local T Selector

Selection value for this Driver, used by the OSI transportation layer (ISO/IEC 8073)

Local App ID Local Application Process Identification

Identifier used by the OSI link layer (ISO/OSI 8650), in ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) format. Indicates a data format adopted by the AARQ (Association Request) function. Its value is usually 1,1,999,1,1 (iso.1.999.1.1)

LD File Path

Default directory where this Driver stores descriptive files for each Logical Device found, to improve the initialization process. In the next initialization, if a file is found on the specified directory, whose name is given by the format SERVER_LDNAME.LD, where SERVER is the name of the device and LDNAME is the name of the Logical Device, then this LD is described based on this file. This Driver provides several ways to detect changes on IED database, to update these files

Check Nameplate Mismatches

Enables checking identification parameters of an IED (nameplate) when starting communication, to compare whether there were any changes. If true, a cache update (rebuilding LD files) is performed

Invert stVal BitString

Interpretation of bitstrings with two or more bits can be changed by this option, by changing the meaning of Open or Closed statuses in an application. Default behavior is reached by deselecting this option

Full Log Details

Enables inserting in this Driver's log, enabled on the Setup tab, detailed information about the notification of events for any Tag. For more information, please check topic Documentation of I/O Interfaces

Apply Local Offset to Timestamps

Timestamps adopted by the IEC 61850 standard always refer to UTC (Universal Time Coordinate) standard. By using this options, users indicate that this Driver must apply a local offset (timezone and daylight saving time) to the timestamp sent by a device

No LD Database Scan

Informs that no Logical Device or Logical Node request must be processed for IEDs. This option can be used when this Driver is used only to transfer files

Block LD Cache Delete

In cases where the initialization process is incomplete, or when any inconsistency is detected between cache files (LD) and IED's or Server's current database. This Driver deletes and updates cache files. Enable this option to block file removal

Local AE Qual - Local Application Entity Qualifier

Identifier used by the link layer as a formatter. Its value is usually 12

RFC 1006 Source TSAP

This Driver uses RFC 1006 specification as a way to transport ISO packets over TCP. To do so, users must inform the TSAP (Transport Service Access Point) used to establish a connection using this protocol. Default value is 1 (one)

Proposed MMS PDU Size

When the Transport Layer option is configured as MMS, this option defines the size of the PDU negotiated with the server. Default value is 65000 bytes

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