Comtrade / Events Tab

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Comtrade / Events Tab

Files tab

Comtrade / Events tab

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options on the Files tab



Save Comtrade Files

Indicates whether this Driver must perform a search for COMTRADE files, saving them on the directory indicated in the Comtrade Path option

Define Parameters per IED

Indicates whether the parameters:

- Save Comtrade Files;

- Delete Files after Upload;

- Browse Root Folder Only;

- Comtrade Path;

- Use Fixed Comtrade Path on Device

- Name+Index File Transfer e File Root Name


will be defined per IED and not globally for the whole driver.


The individual definition can be done through writing the driver internal parameters via IOKIT, as explained at the item "Dynamic Configuration".

Delete Files After Upload

Instructs this Driver to delete a device's file after successfully finishing the transfer

Browse Root Folder Only

Some relays insert COMTRADE files on a COMTRADE folder from the root folder, and other relays insert these files on the root folder, indicating as part of the file name that folder, such as "\COMTRADE\File.cfg". Select this option for devices with that last behavior

Save/Get Last Comtrade time from File

Gets/Sets the last Comtrade file time from a file COMTRADE.LST.

Max Time Waiting after Startup

Tells how many seconds the driver shall wait for the tag LastComtradeFileTime to be written, or by the correct read of the file COMTRADE.LST. If this time expires the driver will start transferring the first file available. If this value is 0, it waits indefinitely.

Wait for Write of LastComtradeFileTime

With this option selected, this Driver waits for a writing operation with the time of the last transferred COMTRADE file per IED, so that it can compare this time with the list of existing files on the IED, thus defining which file to transfer

Comtrade Directory Check Interval

Interval, in seconds, in which this Driver requests a list of files from a device. This Driver compares the date of the last transferred file with the files on the list, and the most recent file or files are transferred

Comtrade Upload Interval (s)

In case of transferring more than one file, this Driver waits the time defined in this option to perform each transfer, to separate a specific time window for this activity. However, receiving events and sending commands are not interrupted while transferring a file

Comtrade Path

Indicates a directory where this Driver saves COMTRADE files

Name+Index File Transfer

Informs the file transfer will happen based on a root name + index, instead of date/time comparison, which is the default procedure. The root name shall be informed at the property "File Root Name". Example: If an IED generates files following the rule Osc1.dat/cfg, Osc2.dat/cfg e and so on, you should check this option and inform the text "Osc" as File Root Name.

Fixed Comtrade Path on Device

Indicates that a Driver must ignore a search for the COMTRADE folder on the device, assuming a fixed folder informed in the corresponding field

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