ICCP General Tab

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ICCP General Tab

Tab to configure local and general parameters.

ICCP General tab

ICCP General tab

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options on ICCP General tab



General Profile

Informs whether this Driver operates as an ICCP Client (collecting data from an ICCP Server, the ICCP Client option), as an ICCP Server (sending data to an ICCP Client, the ICCP Server option), or as a Server and Client at the same time (the ICCP Client/Server option). In this last case, select the Initiate Link on Start option so that this Driver starts the communication, that is, works primarily as an ICCP Client

Import 61850 Cache File

Generates a basic BLT file from Logical Device Cache (.ld extension) files generated by Elipse Software's IEC 61850 Driver. Use this option if a local E3 or Elipse Power application is reading data from an IEC 61850 device to provide data as an ICCP Server to other centers

Start Offline (Allows Runtime Configuration)

Configures this Driver to wait for configuration parameters before execution. When using this option, after loaded to memory, this Driver remains in Idle status, where an application can configure any parameter defined on its configuration window. This operation is performed using IOKit's Set Parameter Tags (please check topic Documentation of I/O Interfaces for more information). Each parameter corresponds to a textual identifier, listed on topic Driver Parameters, and to a value. After all parameters are configured, this Driver can be executed by changing the Start Offline option to False (0, zero)

Optimize Integer Encoding on ISO Layers

Informs if integer numbers shall be compacted to the minimum possible bytes. If FALSE, the size is kept at the maximum.

Initiate Link on Start (Listen first if disabled)

In a dual Client/Server connection, where both stations are Clients and Servers at the same time, users can define in this option if an application tries to connect to a remote Server immediately after executed or if an application must wait for a remote connection to start the operation on the Client side

Share Connection on Client/Server Mode

When in Client/Server mode, leave this option selected to allow the bidirectional communication to happen over the same TCP/IP connection (socket). If the Initiate Link on Start option is also checked, then this Driver executes a TCP/IP connection and starts the ICCP protocol as a Client. Otherwise, it is recommended to configure this Driver to listen on a TCP/IP port, on the Ethernet tab, so that the remote partner can connect and start as an ICCP Client

Msg Timeout (ms)

A time-out for an application answer to Select and Operate commands

Local P Selector

Value of a local selector used by the OSI Presentation Layer (ISO/IEC 8823). Default value of this option is 1 (one)

Local S Selector

Value of a local selector used by the OSI Session Layer (ISO/IEC 8327). Default value of this option is 1 (one)

Local T Selector

Value of a local selector used by the OSI Transport Layer (ISO/IEC 8073). Default value of this option is 1 (one)

Local App ID

Identifier used by the OSI Association Layer (ISO/OSI 8650) in the ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) format. Indicates a data format adopted by the AARQ (Association Request) function, whose default value is "1,1,999,1,1" (iso.1.999.1.1)

Local AE Qualifier

Identifier used by the OSI Association Layer as a format. Default value of this option is 12

BLT File Path

File path of a bilateral table, with a .blt extension

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