ICCP Client Tab

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ICCP Client Tab

Tab to configure Client-side parameters.

ICCP Client tab

ICCP Client tab

The available option on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options on ICCP Client tab



Remote Domain

Informs the Domain name of a remote ICCP Server, that is, an instance name. This name is checked on both sides, Client and Server, for several operations and it must match exactly

Expected Billateral Table Name

Informs the name of an ICCP Server's Bilateral Table. If the other side, the Server, is an E3 or Elipse Power application using this Driver, this name is an alias to definitions of an ICCPServer.blt file and it must be checked by the Client to ensure application's security

Expected Billateral Table Version

Informs the version of an ICCP Server's Bilateral Table. This version must be checked by the Client to ensure application's security

RFC1006 Remote TSAP

This Driver uses RFC 1006 specification as a transport layer for ISO over TCP packages. Therefore, users must inform the TSAP (Transport Service Access Point) used by this Driver on the remote side, the Server, to establish a connection using this protocol. Default value of this option is 1 (one)

Use Opt Fields at DataSet

IEC 60870-6 version 2000-08 standard defines optional fields that can be declared and sent with a DataSet TransferSet message. These fields help identifying message parameters, such as timestamp and purpose. Default value of this option is selected

Apply Local Time Offset

Considers the timestamp provided by the ICCP Server in UTC format, applying the local time offset

Discard NTR - Retries

Informs if the driver shall discard read responses from the server which contain null timestamps (NTR = Null Timestamp Responses). If in a Dataset read which contains datatypes with timestamps, all of them are null, all values will be discarded and a new read request will be sent, until the maximum count defined at the Retries property.

Import XML

Creates an ICCPClient.blt file by importing an XML file in Sisco AXS4 format

Check BLT File

Checks consistency of an ICCPClient.blt file and displays a dialog box with the results of this check

Remote P Selector

Value of a remote selector used by the OSI Presentation Layer (ISO/IEC 8823). Default value of this option is 1 (one)

Remote S Selector

Value of a remote selector used by the OSI Session Layer (ISO/IEC 8327). Default value of this option is 1 (one)

Remote T Selector

Value of a remote selector used by the OSI Transport Layer (ISO/IEC 8073). Default value of this option is 1 (one)

Remote App ID

Identifier used by the OSI Association Layer (ISO/OSI 8650) in ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) format. Indicates a data format adopted by the AARQ (Association Request) function, whose default value is "1,1,999,1,1" (iso.1.999.1.1)

Remote AE Qualifier

Identifier used by the OSI Association Layer as a format. Default value of this option is 12

Keep Alive (ms)

Time Interval used by a Client to check if the connection is still alive, by sending an MMS Identify message, if no message was sent during the specified period of time

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