Private Objects Tab

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Private Objects Tab

Private Objects tab

Private Objects tab

Private objects are declarations that can be created by every manufacturer and reflect composed data structures of basic data types of DNP protocol.

The Private Objects tab displays a list on the left where objects are declared, composed by an index (Number), a code with up to four characters for the manufacturer (Vendor), an object's identification number for the manufacturer (Object ID), and the object's size in bytes (Length). This list can be edited using the Add, Update, and Del options.

Click an object to insert DNP objects, which are part of each PROs (Private Registration Objects) on the list on the right. Users must inform an object's code (Object), a Variation, and a Quantity. The order in which these objects appear is also important. This can be changed by using the arrow keys or using the Add, Update, and Del options.

When using a declaration of time objects, that is, type 50, this declaration is used as a timestamp for that PRO object.

The Return all PRO instances as one indexed block tag option allows all PRO objects to be sent to the same Block Tag, as long as it has the same DNP address. In this case, the Block Tag must be created with one more Element than the PRO object declaration, because the first Element contains the object's index, followed by the other Elements, each one with one of the variables declared in the PRO object.

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