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DNP tab

DNP tab

Available options on the DNP tab



App Timeout (ms)

This is the maximum time the application layer waits for a full response from Data Link layer. If receiving a request is ongoing by the Data Link layer, this time is automatically extended up to the end of the reception from the Data Link layer. The default value of this option depends on the communication rate used, but it is recommended that this value be equal or greater than IOKit time-out, on the Setup tab. This value represents a message's byte-to-byte time-out, while the App Timeout (ms) option represents one or more full Data Link messages

App Read Retries

Number of communication retries performed by the application layer in case of a reading error. Default value of this option is 0 (zero)

App Write Retries

Number of communication retries performed by the application layer in case of a writing error. Default value of this option is 0 (zero)

Master Address

This is the address of the Master station (PC)

Control Relay Off-Time

When relay commands are sent (Control Relay Commands) with individual Tags, this option indicates a normal turned-off time for Pulse On/Off or Latch On/Off commands

Control Relay On-Time

When relay commands are sent (Control Relay Commands) with individual Tags, this option indicates a normal turned-on time for Pulse On/Off or Latch On/Off commands

Default Slave Address

Device's default DNP address, to use when the N1 parameter of each Tag is configured with 0 (zero)

Delay Between Messages

Delay time to apply between each message sent by this Driver, in milliseconds

Error Count for Inactive State

Indicates how many consecutive errors this Driver must consider to switch a device to an Inactive status. This Driver tries to communicate with this device at the next scan of any Tag on the same address or only at the time informed in the Demotion Time property, if this resource is used

Extra Sync Offset

Additional time, positive or negative, to add to syncing commands

Control Block Qualifier

When performing a writing command of a control block, such as Direct Operate, Select, or Operate digital output commands, users must send a qualifier, which may vary from device to device. Possible values for this option are 39 (27h) for the Range field with a byte and a prefixed object with two bytes, or 40 (28h) for the Range field with two bytes and a prefixed object with two bytes. Please check the equipment's device profile for a correct qualifier

IIN Qualifier

When a Slave device informs a restart, this Driver performs a writing to an Internal Indications Object informing the acknowledgment of this event. Use this option to inform a qualifier, which is on the Slave Device Profile document of the slave device. The most common values are 0 (zero, one starting and ending index byte) and 1 (one, two starting and ending index byte)

Auto LinkStatus (ms)

Interval, in milliseconds, to send a LinkStatus Request message, which must receive a LinkStatus Response. The lack of reception puts this address in an Inactive state. To disable this option, configure its value as 0 (zero)

Perform Class 0 Integrity On Startup

Performs a Class 0 (zero) request when starting this Driver, which gets the whole device's database, thus updating all Tags. Event Tags, in this case, have their TimeStamp property as the time of data reception and the Quality property equal to 216

Enable Unsolicited on Startup

Indicates whether this Driver must send a command to enable unsolicited messages when starting communication

Initialize Upon Receiving Device Restart

Indicates whether this Driver must send a command to start a device (reset link, Class 0, and enable unsolicited, if enabled) when receiving a message that this device was restarted

Scan for Events Every X ms

Sends a Class 1 (one), 2 (two), or 3 (three) reading command to check if there are events on a device. Indicates a time interval in which this command must be repeated.

Min InterScan ms

If after any communication, or even after an event scan, there are pending events on the Slave, which is verified by IIN bits, this Driver requests new events from the pending class or classes. To limit this communication and thus avoiding from happening continuously, users can define a minimum interscan interval in this option. The default value is 0 (zero), so that if there are still pending events, they are requested immediately, keeping the behavior of previous versions

Perform Class 0 Integrity every X ms

Performs a Class 0 (zero) request cyclically, only to check if this Driver's database is equal to device's database. The default time is 10 or 15 minutes

Block Unknown Slaves

Blocks the creation of new Slaves upon receiving unsolicited messages from addresses undeclared in any application Tag

Scan After Cmd

If the Scan for Events Every X ms option is enabled, this option enables requesting a new scan immediately after a command, so that users can get a state change faster

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