Configuring Properties

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Configuring Properties

The DLMS tab of this Driver's properties window contains all options that can be configured by users.

In addition to this properties window, these settings can also be defined at run time in E3 or Elipse Power applications. To do so, initialize a Driver in Offline mode, that is, execute an application with the Start driver OFFLINE option enabled, which is configured on the Setup tab of the properties window.

The configuration options of this Driver are described on the next table.

DLMS Driver Configuration Options



Offline String


Meter Model

Configures a meter's model


Number. Possible values are 0: Itron SL7000, 1: Itron ACE6000, 2: Landis&Gyr E550, 3: Landis&Gyr E650, 4: CEWE Prometer 100, 5: Secure Apex 100 or 6: AEC ADDAD

Name Referencing

Configures the type of address supported by a meter


Number. Possible values are 0: Automatic, 1: Logical Name Referencing, or 2: Short Name Referencing

HDLC Logical Device

Configures a meter's Logical Device Address


Number. Possible values are in the range from 0 (zero) to 16383

HDLC Physical Device

Configures a meter's Physical Device Address


Number. Possible values are in the range from 0 (zero) to 16383

HDLC Client Address (read profile)

Configures a user's access profile for reading data


Number. Possible values are in the range from 0 (zero) to 127

Security Mechanism (read profile)

Configures a user's access security level for reading data


Number. Possible values are 0: Lowest (no authentication), 1: LLS (password authentication), or 2: HLS (encrypted password authentication, specific to each manufacturer)

HDLC Client Address (write profile)

Configures a user's access profile for writing data


Number. Possible values are in the range from 0 (zero) to 127

Security Mechanism (write profile)

Configures a user's access security level for writing data


Number. Possible values are 0: Lowest (no authentication), 1: LLS (password authentication), or 2: HLS (encrypted password authentication, specific to each manufacturer)

Retry failed responses

Enables or disables this Driver's internal function for retries after a lack of response from a meter after its time-out expires


Number. Possible values are 0: Disabled or 1: Enabled

Number of Retries

Configures how many internal retries this Driver performs, only if the Retry failed responses option is enabled


Number. Possible values are in the range from 0 (zero) to 100

Force resend of the request command every retry

Enables or disables resending a request between each Driver's internal retry, only if the Retry failed responses option is enabled


Number. Possible values are 0: Disabled or 1: Enabled

Disable MAE compatibility mode

Enables or disables non-standard MAE data handling


Number. Possible values are 0: Disabled or 1: Enabled

Minimum time adjustment (seconds)

Configures a minimum value allowed to synchronize with a meter's clock


Number. Possible values are in the range from 0 (zero) to 3600

Maximum time adjustment (seconds)

Configures a maximum value allowed to synchronize with a meter's clock


Number. Possible values are in the range from 0 (zero) to 86400

Protect against time adjustment across intervals (seconds)

Configures a protected value within the integration period to synchronize with a meter's clock


Number. Possible values are in the range from 0 (zero) to 600


All offline properties must be configured via PLC Tags in String format, by using parameters N1 = -1, N2 = 0, N3 = 0, and N4 = 3. For more details and examples, please check topic Documentation of I/O Interfaces.

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